Broke But Not Broken

I use this blog (Starting Over Again) as a platform for encouraging folks by telling snippets of the things that I experienced in my life.

Many years ago, I went through some rough periods when money was as scarce. We never ever went to bed hungry, but it was difficult at times .

There is a saying that goes, “Even a tea bag is useless until it goes through hot water.”
In other words, that tea bag must be placed into hot water to reveal the wonderful drink that it contains.

I guess that I was kind of like that tea bag…the rough times were like the hot water and what I am today is a result of many trips through the hot water.

Like the title of this post states, Broke, But Not Broken, you should never give up!

Those rough times are painful times and I know that some of my readers right now could possibly be going through similar situations as the ones that I went through.

To those folks who may be hurting right now as I did years ago, I promise that you can rise above your present circumstances, if you are willing to explore your options and have faith in your abilities.

You might be saying right now, “OK Mr. Expert, how am I going to ever get ahead?”

First of all, I don’t like the title- Expert.
Don’t forget, it was experts who built and sailed the Titanic.

Those so-called Experts said Titanic was unsinkable and look what happened to it.

Many folks claim to be ‘Experts’…I make no such claim.

I am just an average guy who never gave up and with the help of the most awesome mentors on the world wide web, I built my own digital online presence.

If I can build an online income generator, then you can also build one.

Imagine being able to earn a living from the comfort of your own home?

* No Boss to answer to… other than yourself.
* No daily commute in traffic jams getting to work…my commute from anywhere in the house to my computer room takes less then 10 seconds!
* No office politics.
* No back stabbing co-workers.
* No kissing someone’s behind for a paycheck.
* No begging for time off for a vacation.
* No worry of getting fired.
* Become the owner of a successful business and you can fire your boss if that is something you’d like to do.

Imagine the look on your co-workers faces if they saw you walk up to your boss and handed him/her a termination slip.

Can you imagine on your last day of work saying to your boss, “It has come to my attention that I can no longer afford to work here…This job is cramping my lifestyle.”
Then you walk out the front door with your head held high and climb into an awaiting stretch limo on your last day of work!

That very thing is possible if you work smart!

Don’t you think it’s time to start building something that will benefit you and your family as opposed to working to fulfill someone else’s dream?

If you said, “YES” then allow me to show you a way to reach your goals starting today.

Maybe you are struggling like I was.

Maybe you’ve made some online money, but don’t know how to scale it up.

Maybe you are a newbie and don’t know where or how to get started.

Please leave a comment below…I just might have what you need to get yourself moving toward a stable online income.

In any event, I look forward to your comments and never forget…

You might be broke right now, but trust me, You are not broken!

Wishing you great health, happiness and massive success!

Morris Swinamer
CEO and Starting Over Again

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