Sometimes Life Seems So Unfair!

This past week has been another tough week; two of my dearest friends had sadly lost family members due to cancer.

One might say, “What’s that got to do with Morris’s plans?”
My short answer is, it has everything to do with life, friendship, respect and love.

I could go on and on, but I am trying to keep this post short. The deaths of people within my circle of friends only re-enforces what I wrote in my last post…we only have one shot at the life we are gifted; there are no reset buttons; we cannot go back and do it again. When our number is up, that’s it folks!

None of us know the time when it will be our turn to die. When most of us go to bed at night, I feel safe in saying that we all expect to wake up tomorrow and carry on with our daily routines, BUT tonight could very well be when the death angel pays us a visit.

Yes, this sounds gloomy, morbid…pick a word that best suits…and I am trying not to focus too much on death when I really want to emphasize that we are all more than able and capable of maximizing our ability to act in positive ways that will benefit not just us, but will also impact positively on everyone within our circle of influence as well as have ripple effects that can radiate outward in ways that we cannot even begin to imagine.

So as long as we are still in the land of the living, why not be truly thankful for the gift of life!

Why not do everything humanly possible to enrich our own lives as well as everyone we associate with and I believe we can change lives, little by little for the better. Spread the message of hope, love, good health practices and happiness rather than despair, hate and sorrow! We can make a positive difference! Show some empathy for those who might need a friend to talk to.

Sorry to sound like a broken record…but I feel so strongly about making every day count in ways that help to build people up.

Enough said…I am hoping that this week will bring back a bit of sunshine into the lives of my dear friends and all others who are hurting and for myself… I am hoping to get myself into a better frame of mind for moving ahead with my plans for a better life.

Are you going through a rough time as well?

Share your story…someone out there needs to hear it.


Morris Swinamer

CEO: and Starting Over Again

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